Have you been contacted by us?

We will usually contact you by one of the following methods:

Letter Correspondence

We will email you, or send you a letter, to the last known address we hold on file

Text Message

We will send you a text message, to the mobile phone number we hold on file

Phone Call

Our call centre advisor may ring you in relation to your outstanding debt

Please be SCAM aware!

Our correspondence will always have a reference number, which can be used to register an account on our website, in order to see further details about your debt.

Due to GDPR regulations you are required to create an account online and verify your details, or pass a DPA check whilst on the phone with our advisors, before we can disclose any further information regarding your debt.

If you are not sure about a phone-call you've received, please hang up and call us on the number listed on our website or email our customer services.

Further information about how to identify spam correspondence can be found on gov.uk website by following the links below:

Guidance examples of HMRC related phishing emails, suspicious phone calls and texts

Guidance on HMCTS related suspicious phone calls, emails, and text messages

More information about us can be found on our FAQ page.

If you received correspondence from us, but you are not the intended recipient, or the person we are looking for no longer lives at the given address or does not own the mobile phone number we hold on file, please kindly contact us so we could update our records accordingly.

Our Accreditations

You can search the below resources to verify that you're dealing with a legitimate enforcement company:

High Court Enforcement Officers Association (HCEOA)

James Metcalfe, a director of Empira, is our resident High Court Enforcement Officer, allowing us to execute High Court Writs and other orders. For further information, please search for Empira on the High Court Enforcement Officers Association's website.

Civil Enforcement Association (CIVEA)

As members of CIVEA, we exceed the National Standards by following their Code of Practice.

International Parking Community

Empira are members of the Accredited Service Provider's scheme, administered by the International Parking Community, allowing us to enforce unpaid parking charges imposed on private land.

Information Commissioner's Office

Empira are registered with the ICO as data controllers with registration number ZB014680.

Highest Level SSL Verification

We have passed an enhanced validation and currently hold an EV SSL certificate.

EV certificates are the top-of-the-line SSL solution. Not only do they encrypt your website and safely protect user information from prying eyes, but they also come with a variety of premium features that boost trust and clearly demonstrate you're someone that's safe to do business with.

Not just anyone can obtain an EV SSL certificate. Before issuance, your Certificate Authority (CA) must first complete a thorough validation process to ensure that you're actually a legitimate business. When you choose an EV certificate, you're associating yourself with the best of the internet.

You can click the logo below to view our certificate.